Wrendale Designs Blog

Celebrating World Bee Day: What's the buzz about bees?

Written by Wrendale Designs | May 18, 2023 1:41:01 PM

World Bee Day is all about recognising the incredible contribution bees make to our planet's ecosystem, whilst also highlighting the challenges that they face. Bees are not just tiny insects buzzing around our gardens; they are important pollinators that are responsible for pollinating more than 70% of the world's crops, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. As well as this, they also play an important role in supporting diverse ecosystems by pollinating wildflowers, trees, and other flora.

Despite their vital role, bees face numerous challenges that threaten their populations. Things like habitat loss, pesticide use and climate change are just some of the factors that contribute to the decline in bee populations worldwide. Based on this, here are five things that you can do to support bee's not only on World Bee Day, but all year round...

1. Plant a Bee-Friendly Garden

Create a diverse garden with a variety of plants that bloom at different times throughout the year. This ensures a continuous food source for bees. Include native flowering plants, herbs, and fruit trees that provide nectar and pollen. Aim for a range of colours and shapes to attract different bee species.

Have you seen our collection of seed cards? They come complete with a mix of wild flower seeds that are perfect for attracting bees into your garden. The best time to sow your seeds is early spring, although they can be planted through to early summer. The seeds in our mix are annuals, so to make the most of your flowers we would recommend deadheading them once they have bloomed and past their best.



Keep bees hydrated by creating a watering station. To do this, place a shallow dish in your garden with some pebbles to serve as perches. Make sure to keep this topped up with water, especially during the hot summer days.


3. Provide Nesting Sites

Nesting sites offer safe habitats for solitary bees which helps them to establish their colonies. You can create nesting spots by leaving patches of bare soil in the garden and providing small piles of twigs. Alternatively you can place a bee house in your garden that is specifically designed for solitary bees.



Pesticides contain chemicals that can be very harmful to bees and other pollinators. To create a safer environment for them, opt for natural pest control methods. We would recommend:

  • Nematodes for any pests
  • Salt water for weeds
  • Mulching for suppressing weeds, this will also improve the condition of your soil. 

Be inspired to get out in the garden with our beautiful gardening collection. The range includes everything you need to get your garden looking fabulous.


5. MAKE Bee-Inspired Lifestyle Choices

Making sustainable choices in your everyday life, such as reducing your use of single-use plastics and shopping for locally sourced food will make a positive contribution to reducing pollution and supporting a healthier environment for bees and other pollinators.

If you would like to know about our commitment to sustainability here at Wrendale and the steps we are taking to minimise our impact on the environment, check out our sustainability page.


To browse our collection of Wrendale bee themed gifts including a wide variety of stationery, greeting cards, accessories and homeware, please click here.